Items Included in Press Package (No substitutions)
- 1 - Set of scraper bars 1@130 inch set
- 3 - Tympans 1@18x24, 1@24x36, 1@32x48 (32x45 G-10 Version), 1@36x48 (35 x 45 G-10 Version)
- 1 - Grease
- 1 - Lubrication Kit
- 2 - Trays 1@23 x 28, 1@32x42
- 1 - Apron
- 1 - Set of 4 Takach Specialty Brayers
- 1 - 2" Takach Brayer
- 1 - 4" Takach Brayer
- 1 - 6" Takach Brayer
- 1 - 8" Takach Brayer
- 1 - 10" Takach Brayer
- 1 - 4.75 x 7.75 Takach Hand Inking Roller
Extra Information
Takach Press
Warranty Information
20 Year Written Warranty on the Lithography Press. Accessories carry 30 day warranties unless otherwise listed.